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The Granite Guarantee

The Granite Guarantee

“We are dedicated to providing optimal care for every patient, and working with you to achieve that goal. We pride ourselves on helping you in any way we can and we guarantee our work.” – Dr. Paul Pasternack

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Our Promise to You

Granite Dental Group is proud of the quality of dentistry that we provide for you and your family. Our goal is to not just correct any dental problems that you may have, but also to show you how to prevent dental disease in the future to save you time and unnecessary expense. The long-term success of the dental treatment we provide for you depends upon continued diligent home care of your teeth and gums, regular professional exams and cleanings. At Granite Dental Group we promise to treat you like family. We strive to get to know each patient as an important individual. We will treat you with respect—always polite and courteous.

The 7-Point Granite Guarantee

  1. Personalized service: Our caring team of dental professionals will listen to your concerns and respond with a customized dental plan.
  2. Premium materials: We work with only the highest-quality materials and reputable dental labs—NEVER discounted products or off-shore labs, both of which can compromise your health and safety.
  3. Quality time: Some dental groups rush to complete a dental cleaning within 30 to 45 minutes. Thorough care takes time. We provide hour-long cleaning appointments every time.
  4. Advanced facility: Our offices provide a warm, comfortable environment for you to receive your dental care, with a full complement of the latest computerized equipment and techniques.
  5. Outstanding expertise: Our award-winning dentists possess a combined 35+ years of experience, and all staff keep current with continuing dental education, so you get the best and latest in dental care.
  6. Compassionate support: We guarantee that we will do whatever it takes to make you comfortable. We will explain your treatment in detail and offer various options to ensure your experience is never painful or frightening.
  7. Informed pricing: You’ll always be informed about pricing and insurance coverage, and when possible, we’ll arrange for your insurance company to pay us directly. Want a payment plan? No problem—we accept Care Credit.